Online Nichiren-shu service

Online Nichiren shu services by Rev. Riju Kumazawa.

You can recieve Rev. Kumazawa's Memorial sercive and Kito blessing online anywhere in the world.



Nichiren-shu Online Memorial Service
You can recieve Memorial service by Rev. Riju Kumazawa online from Japan.

Online memorial service by Rev. Riju Kumazawa

Rev. Riju Kumazawa will do a special memorial service for your deceased loved ones.

A memorial service for your relatives, friends, and beloved pets who have gone to heaven.

We will record a video ofRev. Kumazawa doing a special memorial service and email you a link to watch this video.

You can recieve the memorial service by watching the video and pray together with Rev.Kumazawa.



Online Inari Kito Blessing Service
You can recieve Special Inari Kito Blessing by Rev. Riju Kumazawa online from Japan.

Online Kito blessing by Rev. Kumazawa

Myorinji is one of the few temples where you can receive Inari Kito blessing.

There are only about 200 Nichiren-shu priests in the world who can perform Inari Kito blessing.

This is a blessing service for good health, family safely, good luck, traffic safety, safe birth, etc.

We will record a video ofRev. Kumazawa giving you a special Kito blessing and email you a link to watch this video.

You can recieve and get Kito blessing as many times as you like within a week after sending the email.